Learning disability statistics: effects of being a carer
7 out of 10 families caring for someone with profound and multiple learning disabilities have reached or have come close to ‘breaking point' because of a lack of short break services.
(Source: Disability Rights Commission report - 'Equal treatment: Closing the gap' 2006)
- The number of carers receiving assessments/reviews increased by 3% from 37,890 in 2009/10 to 39,145 in 2010/11
- Of the completed assessments in 2010/11, 2,475 involved the carers of adults with learning disabilities who were aged 65 or over
- When in contact with health professionals at a GP surgery/health centre about the person they care for over the last 12 months:
- 65% felt they were always treated with respect as a carer, 25% said they were usually treated with respect, 8% said they were sometimes treated with respect and 2% said they were never treated with respect
- 64% felt they were involved as much as they wanted to be in decision about the care and treatment of the person they care for, 26% felt they were usually involved as much as they wanted to be, 8% felt they were sometimes involved and 2% felt they were never involved (Source: People with Learning Disabilities in England 2011)
- 29,000 adults with a learning disability live with parents aged over 70 or over, many of whom are too old or frail to continue in their caring role. 1 in 4 of these cases have local authorities planned alternative housing (Source: Care Quality Commission Report 2012).